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Characterisation of mutations of the phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit, PIK3R2, in perisylvian polymicrogyria: a next-generation sequencing study

Published on 2 October 2023
Characterisation of mutations of the phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit, PIK3R2, in perisylvian polymicrogyria: a next-generation sequencing study
Date de publication 
Mirzaa GM, Conti V, Timms AE, Smyser CD, Ahmed S, Carter M, Barnett S, Hufnagel RB, Goldstein A, Narumi-Kishimoto Y, Olds C, Collins S, Johnston K, Deleuze JF, Nitschke P, Friend K, Harris C, Goetsch A, Martin B, Boyle EA, Parrini E, Mei D, Tattini L, Slavotinek A, Blair E, Barnett C, Shendure J, Chelly J, Dobyns WB and Guerrini R
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Impact Factor 
Institut IG
url DOI10.1016/s1474-4422(15)00278-1

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